Are Yorkies Good with Kids? Answer Might Surprise You.

smiling asian boy walking with yorkshire terrier on play ground

Table of Contents

  1. Understanding the Yorkshire Terrier Breed
  2. Yorkies and Their Temperament
  3. Adaptability to Family Environment
  4. Size and Fragility Considerations
  5. Supervision and Socialization
  6. Yorkies as Playmates
  7. Training and Obedience
  8. Grooming and Maintenance
  9. Health Concerns
  10. Introducing Yorkies to Children
  11. Common Misconceptions
  12. Final Thoughts
  13. FAQs
  • Can Yorkies get along with other pets in the family?
  • Are Yorkies suitable for families with infants?
  • Do Yorkies require a lot of exercise?
  • Are Yorkies prone to excessive barking?
  • What should I consider before getting a Yorkie for my child?

1. Understanding the Yorkshire Terrier Breed

Yorkshire Terriers originate from England and are known for their small size and glamorous appearance. They typically weigh between 4 to 7 pounds and stand around 7 to 8 inches tall. Yorkies have a long, silky coat that requires regular grooming to keep it healthy and beautiful.

2. Yorkies and Their Temperament

Despite their small size, Yorkies are known for their confident and feisty personality. They are intelligent, alert, and possess a strong sense of loyalty towards their owners. While Yorkies can be loving and affectionate, they can also display a stubborn streak at times. Understanding their temperament is crucial when considering them as companions for children.

3. Adaptability to Family Environment

Yorkies are generally adaptable and can adjust well to different living situations, including households with children. They can thrive in apartments or houses with small yards. However, it’s important to create a safe environment for both the dog and the child.

4. Size and Fragility Considerations

Due to their small size, Yorkies are delicate and can be easily injured if mishandled or accidentally dropped. Therefore, it’s crucial to teach children how to interact gently with the dog and supervise their interactions closely to prevent any accidents.

5. Supervision and Socialization

Supervision is essential when children and Yorkies are together, especially during the initial stages of their interaction. Both the child and the dog should be taught how to behave around each other. Early socialization is also important to ensure that the Yorkie becomes comfortable and well-adjusted around kids.

6. Yorkies as Playmates

Yorkies can make great playmates for children, particularly older kids who can understand and respect their small size and fragility. They are energetic and enjoy engaging in interactive games and activities. However, it’s important to avoid rough play to prevent any potential harm to the dog.

7. Training and Obedience

Training is essential for any dog, including Yorkies. With consistent and positive reinforcement training methods, Yorkies can become well-behaved and obedient companions. Involving children in the training process can also be a great way to strengthen the bond between the dog and the child.

8. Grooming and Maintenance

Yorkies have a luxurious coat that requires regular grooming to keep it tangle-free and healthy. Involving children in grooming activities, such as brushing or bathing the dog under adult supervision, can teach them responsibility and create a positive bond between the child and the Yorkie.

9. Health Concerns

Like all dog breeds, Yorkies have certain health concerns to be aware of. They may be prone to dental issues, patellar luxation, and tracheal collapse. Regular veterinary check-ups and a healthy diet are important to ensure their well-being. Teaching children about responsible pet care and the importance of regular vet visits can be beneficial.

10. Introducing Yorkies to Children

When introducing a Yorkie to children, it’s important to take it slow and ensure a positive experience for both the dog and the child. Allowing the dog and child to gradually get acquainted while providing gentle supervision can help build trust and a harmonious relationship.

11. Common Misconceptions

There are some common misconceptions about Yorkies that need to be addressed. One misconception is that they are delicate and cannot handle the energy of children. While they may be small, Yorkies can adapt well to families with kids, as long as proper supervision and socialization are in place.

12. Final Thoughts

Yorkshire Terriers can indeed be good companions for children when the appropriate measures are taken. They can bring joy, love, and playfulness into a family environment. However, it’s important to consider the individual personalities of both the dog and the child, and to always prioritize their safety and well-being.


Can Yorkies get along with other pets in the family?

Yes, Yorkies can generally get along well with other pets, provided they are properly introduced and socialized.

Are Yorkies suitable for families with infants?

While Yorkies can be good with older children, it’s generally recommended to wait until the child is older before introducing a Yorkie to a family with an infant.

Do Yorkies require a lot of exercise?

Yorkies have moderate exercise needs. Daily walks and interactive play sessions are usually sufficient to keep them physically and mentally stimulated.

Are Yorkies prone to excessive barking?

Yorkies have a tendency to bark more than some other breeds. Proper training and socialization can help manage excessive barking behaviors.

What should I consider before getting a Yorkie for my child?

Before getting a Yorkie for your child, consider their age, ability to handle a small dog responsibly, and the time and commitment required to care for a dog. Additionally, ensure that the entire family is on board and willing to contribute to the care and well-being of the dog.

3 thoughts on “Are Yorkies Good with Kids? Answer Might Surprise You.”

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